Екскурсії по Львову – індивідуальні екскурсії по Львову. Оглядова екскурсія по Львову, Австрійський Львів, Личаківське кладовище, Храми Львова.travellviv.,краївка, подобова оренда квартир, дишеві готелі, хостели, дешеве житло, гасова лампа, Львівське пиво, Львівська кава, дім легенд, подобова оренда квартир без посередників

Jews in Lviv

TOUR “Jews in Lviv”

The history of the Jews of Lviv – a single page of city life. It is hard to imagine without the downtown Lviv Jewish Quarter, which is one of the most secluded corners of the historic center.

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TOUR “Jews in Lviv”

The history of the Jews of Lviv – a single page of city life. It is hard to imagine without the downtown Lviv Jewish Quarter, which is one of the most secluded corners of the historic center.

During the tour you walk along these mysterious places, learn a lot about their culture and traditions. You’ll see places where until 1943 there were two synagogues, each of which has been the focus of numerous religious communities, and, if desired, you can feel yourself a representative of that nationality bargaining in the Jewish Tavern “Under the Golden Rose.”

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